Friday, November 27, 2009

Oh Don't Think I Forgot About Management

One of you guys commented on my last blog and brought up a really good point. Management that bends over backwards and spoils a few mechanics do ruin it for the rest. When I hear things like "I don't work fuel problems on my Friday" and the management obliges it sets us all back.

In a sense it seems that by being too accommodating the management has created a work environment that is out of control. The "Prison is being run by the inmates". I hear a lot of "I'm not going to do that" and "that's not my job" type of stuff and by allowing guys to basically do whatever they want the management does foster that type of anarchy. We create further laziness by not correcting this situation when it starts. If you are asked to do a job-do it. Often times the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and unfortunately that seems to apply on the job as well.

I know that I have been assigned jobs only to be reassigned when some jerk went into the office to complain that his job was harder than mine and "Goats on OT after all". I'm not sure if they really think that OT guys should get the crap jobs or if they truly believe that any thing we do out here is really that hard.

Maybe they see guys getting into trouble after working harder jobs and they are afraid it will happen to them. I would have to say that at least the guys who get into trouble are actually working! I would rather work with a guy who gets a talking to for taking a delay and actually fixing a plane than a guy who is so scared to actually work he will not be there for you when you need a hand.

My first Lead Mechanic at this job once said "If you are really working these planes then there is no way to not mess things up now and then".

But back to the original point: management that does not manage is pointless.

Oh and another thing: unless you are taking care of business or a personal matter, stay out of the managers office. It looks bad.


  1. Now that's what I call a post! To the point in a Kamakazi attack straight down the line!

    Every station has their "Fine Whine Club", but some groups are craftier than others. Some get away with assault, some with Fist Degree Murder.

    Where I worked before, there were guys who cried so much that they had to use bath towels to mop up their tears. If you didn't know that you had to be 18 y.o. to get an A&P, then you'd think the special bus dropped off the little ones at the wrong stop! AMEN!

  2. I totally agreed. I"m working with 40 year old men who crys like an 8 year old. My last job the only time I went into my manager's office was when I quit, and the only time I went to the foreman's office was when I did something wrong. Now they are in there sucking up. Redwood

  3. Some people are treated more equally than others. I find that management will cave just because they don't want to hear the bitching. So the quiet or less vocacious get stuck with just a little more.

  4. Sounds like someone has a case of double standards
